On Line Worship of CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF ROSS TOWNSHIP 157 Peony Avenue 412 364-4954 David M. Littke, Pastor [email protected] 412 366-8062 Heather Geyer Music Minister and Organist
SUNDAY OF PENTECOST JUNE 5, 2022 * denotes “please stand, as you are able” P: He is risen! C: HE IS RISEN INDEED! Opening Hymn* 257 Holy Spirit Truth Divine vs. 1 The Greeting* LBW page 78 First Lesson CELEBRATE Insert Acts 2:1-21 The Psalm CELEBRATE Insert p. 2 Ps.104 Second Lesson CELEBRATE Insert Rom. 8:14-17 Alleluia Verse LBW page 83 P: “The Gospel……….verse.” C: Glory to you, O Lord Gospel* CELEBRATE Insert John 14:8-17 P: “Here ends the reading of the Gospel” C: Praise to you, O Christ Sermon “The Force?” Hymn of the Day 257 Holy Spirit Truth Divine vs. 2 Apostles Creed* LBW page 85 The Offering Please support the church through your gifts. They are needed. The Prayers* CELEBRATE Insert Lord’s Prayer* LBW page 97 Benediction* LBW page 97 Closing Hymn* 257 Holy Spirit Truth Divine vs. 3
CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK: Today 11:00 a.m. Worship and Holy Communion Sat. 10:30 a.m. Memorial service for Barb Cotton Sun. 11:00 a.m. Holy Trinity Sunday
Happy Birthday! Today is the celebration of Pentecost. It marks the start of the Christian Church. The church was changed from a small group of Jesus’ followers gathering in fear, to an active group of believers delivering the Gospel to the world once gift of the Holy Spirit had been given them.
Our condolences to the extended Ott and Cotton families upon the death of Barb on Wednesday. A memorial service will be held on Saturday here at church at 10:30 a.m.
Pray for Margie McMillan, Joyce Hughes, Jackie Sheerer, Shari Helfrich, Ethel Moschak, Natalie Gardner, Dorothy Tokarski, Eugene Borio, Darlene Hoffman, Judi Strini, Alice Skirda, Carol Deily, Kristen Hughes, Marti Krause, Lois Thomas and Marjorie Hager.
The next men’s breakfast at Faith is Thursday June 16 at 8 a.m. The menu consists of ham and eggs, toast, hashed-browned potatoes, juice and coffee. Cost is $2, bring friends.
June 5-Ed Maletic’s birthday. June 7 wedding anniversaries of Larry and Laura Ott, David and Donna Bauer Thanks to Emily and Heather Geyer for music. ********************************************** Prayer for the Week: Empower us with your Holy Spirit, that all our doings and will be a fulfillment of your will and power guiding our lives. Amen.